Sunday, February 21, 2010

DIY: "Key to a Man's Heart" meal

I can only think of a few things one can eat that is heartier and more satisfying like steak and potatoes. It's simple, tastes great and really easy to make. The biggest hurdle in making this dish is cooking the steak to perfection (whatever that might be for you).

Yesterday, I cooked the perfect steak.

Let's leave presentation alone for now 'cause we want to focus on the meat!

I know I cooked it myself, but it was so good~
Juicy, full of flavor and just the right amount of pink inside.
If you got some sirloin in the fridge why don't you treat yourself to some moo meat tonight.

Steak on a Pan

1. Get your meat to room temperature.
You don't want it dead cold in the center it'll cook terribly.

2. With a rolling pin tenderize by rooolling it across the meat.
Don't bash it please.

3. Collect excess moisture by dabbing it with paper towel.

4. Season with salt and pepper on both sides of the steak.
Liberally (don't be a wuss).

5. Put pan on heat and get it good and hot.
Not scorching hot though.

6. Oil on pan

7. When pan starts to smoke, place meat in the center.

8. Cook 2 1/2 ~ 3 minutes on each side.
Time will change depending on thickness of meat.

9. When close to completion, add a nob of butter and bathe that steak in the buttery goodness.



  1. you did it all wrong. do it again.

  2. yes!

    call me a fat loser and make me do it again...
    then soowan will call u master
